Friday, August 8, 2008

Summer at it's best

I am so excited for this weekend. We have a lot going on, and it's going to be great! I think working every third weekend makes me more appreciative of the long weekends I often have off as a nurse! That's one of the great things about working twelve-hour shifts. I can often schedule myself to work several days in a row, and then have the rest of the week off without using vacation! What a wonderful thing.
Tonight, we are going to our neighborhood block party. It should be a great way to meet some more of the neighbors! Since we are "the new kids on the block", there are a lot of neighbors we don't know yet. The weather is absolutely beautiful, just perfect for a party outdoors. It's warm, sunny, and with a nice breeze.
Tomorrow night is Chris' birthday barbeque! Chris turned 28 on Thursday. We've been wanting to have a barbeque at our house, and this is the perfect occasion. I've been busy all day getting ready for the party!
I hope everyone has a great weekend!


Becky said...

We're the "new neighbors" too and one of the other women in the neighborhood invited me to an 'open house' that (when I looked more closely at the invitation) turned out to be a Mary Kay schill. Hmm, no thanks!
:) Becky